

每年,策划欺诈和诈骗的个人使用巧妙的计划来欺骗数百万人. 他们经常将复杂的技术与古老的伎俩结合起来,让人们寄钱或提供个人信息. They add new twists to old schemes including, 有时, using the 美国心脏协会’s name or content.


美国心脏协会建议你对任何要求你提供电子邮件密码的电子邮件保持警惕和怀疑, or sensitive personal information like social security number, credit card number or drivers’ license number. The 美国心脏协会 will never ask for that information by email.


美国心脏协会和美国中风协会不认可产品或服务. Any claims that the AHA endorses a specific commercial product, 过程, 服务或企业都不真实.

美国心脏协会可能会对符合特定标准的特定产品或服务进行认证. 请访问这些链接了解更多线上娱乐电子游戏网站医院认证计划和心脏检查计划的信息.


The 美国心脏协会 does not certify trainers, doctors or training courses created by other organizations. Any claims that training products or materials are “AHA Certified," " AHA批准,” “AHA Compliant” or “created by AHA certified” people, where the “AHA” means the 美国心脏协会, 都不是真的.


如果你怀疑有电话招揽, 与美国心脏协会或美国中风协会有关的电子邮件或其他通信都是欺诈性的, please contact us right away at 1-800-242-8721 or (电子邮件保护). 我们还敦促任何收到虚假请求的人通过致电联邦贸易委员会:877-FTC-HELP或在线向联邦贸易委员会提出投诉 reportfraud.联邦贸易委员会.政府, your state Attorney General consumer protection office, 和 local law enforcement.

Recent Examples of Reported Scams 和 Misrepresentations:

Example image of misinformation showing unauthorized use of AHA logo



These messages do not reflect the Association’s policy or position, 和 our logo was used without permission. The 美国心脏协会 supports COVID vaccination. 了解事实find answers to COVID-19 vaccination questions.

2021年8月: 美国心脏协会向一家使用协会名称和标志宣传“酮类减肥药”的公司发出了一封停止函. We’ve seen the illegal advertisements as pop-up ad on online games 和 apps. 这是未经授权的使用. The AHA doesn’t recommend supplements or pills for weight loss 和 never endorses products. 美国官员.S. 食物 & 美国药物管理局(FDA)警告说,膳食补充剂在上市前不需要获得批准. Officials urge consumers to watch for these warning signs:

  • Promises of a quick fix, for example, “lose 10 pounds in one week."
  • Use of the words “guaranteed” or “scientific breakthrough."
  • Products marketed as herbal alternatives to an FDA-approved drug, or as having effects similar to prescription drugs.

Especially when it comes to diet 和 weight loss, if it sounds too good to be true -  it is. 不要被骗了.


这引起了美国心脏协会的注意,有人冒充美国心脏协会在德克萨斯州的高级招聘经理,并联系个人面试工作. One of the names used by this individual is Craig Lewis.  请注意这是一个骗局.  The person or persons are attempting to get your private information.  在某些情况下, 他们可能会寄支票给你, asking you to cash the check 和 wire money back to them.  Other times they are asking for personal information such as your social security number.  The AHA will not contact anyone requesting personal information like account passwords, personal identification numbers (PINs) or Social Security numbers. Do not provide any personal or financial information to unknown individuals, 无论是电话还是电子邮件. 请参阅 how to spot, avoid, 和 report fake check scams.(链接在新窗口中打开)

美国心脏协会通常通过电话和电子邮件联系申请人,而不是通过短信或即时通讯服务. 美国心脏协会只会联系在线申请或通过LinkedIn招聘工具通过电子邮件联系的候选人.

If you think you've been a victim of fraud, contact the following authorities:

了解更多信息 National Internet Fraud Watch Information Center(链接在新窗口中打开).

  • AHA has become aware of people claiming to be from “the American Heart & Stroke Association” who tried to sell insurance to unsuspecting families. 销售人员非常执着,并试图进入家中提供有关保险的“信息”.

The AHA does not sell or endorse insurance or any similar products. The AHA also does not pressure people into making donations or buying products. 尤其是在节假日期间, 潜在的犯罪分子会尝试创造性的方法进入一个人的家或了解他们家里的贵重物品. If you are concerned that the person may be legitimately raising funds for AHA, 但见到他们却不舒服, giving information over the phone or by email, 或者允许他们进入你的家, 让律师把信息邮寄给你,或者把它放在你家门口,附上电话号码和地址,你以后可以联系他们. If someone approaches you selling products that they claim are approved, sponsored or offered by the 美国心脏协会 or 美国中风协会, promptly report them to your local law enforcement.

  • 美国各地的住宅.S. are getting automated calls from a company claiming to be American Senior Benefits. The calls urge seniors to get a free medical alert system, “as endorsed by the 美国心脏协会.“显然, 在连接到一个活生生的人之后, consumers learn that the medical alert system requires an ongoing monthly maintenance fee.

The 美国心脏协会 does not endorse products. In addition, we have not confirmed that anyone has ever received the product. There is a legitimate company called American Senior Benefits that is not making these calls. “真正的”美国老年福利公司和美国心脏协会都向联邦贸易委员会提出了投诉.

  • A number of websites claim to provide online training, 包括符合美国心脏协会标准的心肺复苏术培训,即使这些组织不是美国心脏协会授权的培训中心. 这些网站可能会声称提供在线培训,在完成在线培训后不需要技能检查或即时电子课程卡.

美国心脏协会不批准其他组织开设的培训课程, 不允许给未完成美国心脏协会培训技能检查部分的学生颁发课程结业卡, 也没有“符合美国航空协会”的培训课程或“美国航空协会认证”的专业人员进行培训. 在成功完成美国心脏协会培训课程后,被批准发放带有美国心脏协会标志的卡片的组织应显示“授权培训中心”标志,以帮助您了解他们获得了授权. 你应该向你现在的或未来的雇主核实他们会接受的课程结业卡,然后再付钱给任何人,以获得或保持你的培训状态.

  • 我们了解到有一个网站在做广告,出售附有答案的培训课程试题副本. The website turned out to be part of an apparent scheme to steal credit card information. We have reported the site to appropriate authorities. 在另一种情况下, 有人被发现向没有参加过培训课程或没有展示过技能的人出售培训课程完成卡. Several arrests were made after the scheme was reported to local authorities.

美国心脏协会不出售或允许其他人出售用于确认学生心肺复苏术完成的实际检查, acl, PALS或任何其他培训. 任何试图出售这些信息的人,或者向没有达到培训要求的人出售课程完成卡的人,都可能是非法的,并试图窃取你的个人或财务信息.

  • 最近,一位雇主报告说,他收到了一张如下所示的课程结业卡. 这张可填写的PDF卡是在电脑上填写的表格,不是有效的莱尔达尔或美国心脏协会培训中心课程完成卡.


美国心脏协会的授权培训中心不会给您发送在线填写的电子课程完成卡. 如果你收到其中一个, 请立即向美国心脏协会报告, along with any information you have about where it came from.