

Being on a diet can often be, or at least feel like, a restrictive way of eating. Eating well is about making smart choices to build an overall healthy dietary pattern.

Eating healthy help reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke 和 many other diseases 和 conditions. 好消息是, eating right doesn’t have to be hard or require you to give up all the foods you love. And it can be easy, affordable 和 delicious.  

Here are some ways to help you 和 your family adopt a healthier eating style:


  • 水果和蔬菜 contain a wide variety of vitamins 和 minerals. Try to fill half your plate fruits 和 vegetables. They can be chopped up 和 added to many dishes 和 are a good replacement for less healthy sides such as chips or fries.
  • 全谷物 are high in dietary fiber 和 provide nutrients that support body functions like carrying oxygen through blood 和 regulating thyroid. They also can help lower cholesterol 和 improve heart health. Examples include whole grain breads 和 pasta, 高粱, oats, popcorn 和 brown rice. 
  • 豆类 富含矿物质和膳食纤维吗. 试着加入豆子, 比如黑色, 肾脏, 平托, to your dishes to bulk up healthy nutrients in your meals. Rinse 和 drain the canned varieties to help remove excess sodium.
  • 坚果和种子 are good sources of protein, healthy fats 和 fiber. Healthy choices include unsalted almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachios 和 walnuts.
  • , preferably oily fish with omega-3 fatty acids, can help reduce your risk for heart disease 和 stroke. 一些受欢迎的富含脂肪的鱼类包括凤尾鱼, 鲭鱼, 黑鳕鱼, 大马哈鱼, 白鱼, 军曹鱼, 蓝鳍金枪鱼或条纹鲈鱼. The AHA recommends eating fish at least twice a week.
  • 无皮家禽和瘦肉动物蛋白 饱和脂肪比红肉低吗. Consider replacing red meats including beef, pork 和 lamb with chicken, turkey or 豆子。.
  • 植物性蛋白质 can help lower your risk of heart disease 和 obesity. Some examples of plant-based proteins include tofu, 小扁豆, 坚果和种子, 藜麦, 高粱, 豆子。, 豌豆, 豆奶, 土豆, 深色叶菜和米饭.


  • 甜的饮料
  • 钠和含盐食物
  • 饱和脂肪
  • Fatty or processed red meats (If you choose to eat meat, select leaner cuts)
  • Refined carbohydrates including 添加糖 和 processed grain foods
  • 全脂乳制品 
  • Tropical oils such as coconut oil 和 palm oil


  • 反式脂肪 和 partially hydrogenated oils, which are found in some commercially baked 和 fried foods 


  • 谨慎选择即使是更健康的食物. Ingredients 和 nutrient content can vary a lot.
  • 阅读标签. Compare Nutrition Facts labels on food products 和 select products with the lowest amounts of sodium, 添加糖, 饱和脂肪和反式脂肪, 没有部分氢化油.
  • 注意卡路里. To maintain a healthy weight, eat only as many calories as you use up through physical activity. If you want to lose weight, take in fewer calories or burn more calories.
  • 合理饮食. Often this is less than you are served, especially when eating out.
  • 烹饪 在家吃饭. You’ll have more control over ingredients 和 preparation methods.
  • 寻找 心部裂纹马克 to easily identify foods that can be part of an overall healthy eating pattern.






